Kingdom Death Utilities

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LY Timeline  Overwhelming Darkness  Armor Sets  Combat Buffs  Beast of Sorrow 2H  Axes  Bows  Clubs  Daggers  Fist and Tooth  Grand  Heavy  Katanas  Katars  Shields  Spears  Swords  Twilight Sword  Whips 
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Random Armor:
0Antelope Mask2Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory. 2-aff-red/2-aff-blue At start of your act, if insane, gain +1 speed.
Mask Makerendeavor, 1x pelt, 6x bone, 4x organ
1Apostle Crown3jewelry, Accessory. Armor 3 on head. At the start of your act, if you have any +1 strength tokens, reveal the next 4 monster hit locations and put them back in any order.
Sacred Pool1x legendary horns, 1x phoenix crest
2Armor Spikesitem, bone, heavy. If adjacent to the monster when you suffer a severe body injury, the monster suffers a wound. Limit, once per round.
Gormery1x stout vertebrae, 1x scrap
3Beacon Shield222221/6/5. Block 2: spend move to ignore 2 hits next time you are attacked (up until your next act). You cannot block more than once per attack. Shield adds +2 armor to all locations.
Blacksmith2x iron, 3x leather, 4x bone
4Beetle Eye Shield000002/7+/3 The shield has a myriad of eyes on the front to confuse the opponent. If a trap hit location card is drawn during your attacks, discard it and draw another hit location card. 1x/attack. Block 1.
Wet Resin Crafter1x scarab shell, 1x compound eye, 1x web silk
5Blast Shield111111/7+/4 weapon,melee,shield,metal. Block 1. The first time you block a hit each showdown, gain the priority target token. Shield adds +1 armor to all locations.
Dragon Armory1x kings tongue, 1x iron
6Blue Ring2jewelry, amber. Accessory. 3x 0.5-aff-blue = If you are the monster controller when the monster draws AI, draw 1 extra card. Select 1 to play and discard the other.
Silk Milllegless ball, 3x eyeballs, 2x stomach
Starting item1x hide
8Cycloid Scale Hood2Whenever you spend movement, the scales' color shift. Gain +1 evasion until your next act.
Skyreef Sanctuary1x cycloid scales, 1x hide, 1x prismatic gills
9Cycloid Scale Jacket2When you spend movement, you Shadow Walk and may move through occupied spaces without causing collision. 1x 0.5-aff-blue / 2x 1-aff-red = +1 accuracy
Skyreef Sanctuary1x cycloid scales, 1x scrap, 1x huge sunteeth, 1x salt
10Cycloid Scale Shoes21x 0.5-aff-blue / 1x 0.5-aff-green = Spend movement: You are not a threat until you attack. If you have the priority target token, gain 2 survival and remove it.
Skyreef Sanctuary1x cycloid scales, 1x bone, 1x shadow tentacles
11Cycloid Scale Skirt21x 0.5-aff-green / 3x 1-aff-blue = When you depart, gain survival equal to the number of blue affinities you have.
Skyreef Sanctuary1x cycloid scales, 1x hide, 1x huge sunteeth
12Cycloid Scale Sleeves2When you Shadow Walk and attack a monster from its blind spot, your weapon gains +1 accuracy and Sharp for that attack.
Skyreef Sanctuary1x cycloid scales, 1x bone, 1x small sunteeth, 1x salt
13Death Mask2Unique, irreplaceable, accessory (not armor). If you have NO affinities, gain +4 luck and suffer -4 to all severe injury rolls.
Mask Makerendeavor, -1 population, 6x bone, 4x organ
14Dragon Belt4armor,set,metal. You are not knocked down from suffering a heavy injury.
Dragon Armory2x veined wing, 1x organ, 1x iron
15Dragon Boots4armor,set,metal. Gain +2 movement during your act.
Dragon Armory1x kings claws, 1x husk, 1x organ, 1x iron
16Dragon Gloves4armor,set,metal
Dragon Armory1x cabled vein, 1x husk, 1x leather, 1x iron
17Dragon Mantle4armor,set,metal. At the start of the showdown, you beat your chest mightily and gain survival up to the survival limit.
Dragon Armory1x horn fragment, 1x iron, 1x hardened ribs, 1x leather
18Dragonskull Helm4armor,set,bone,metal. Gain +1 to all severe heady injury roll results. Ignore shattered jaw severe injury result.
Dragon Armory1x horn fragment, 2x bone, 1x husk
19Feather Shield111113/7/0 weapon. Block 1. 1-aff-green/1-aff-blue/1-aff-red = reduce any suffered brain damage by 1, to min of 1. Shield adds +1 armor to all locations.
Plumery2x small feathers, 1x muculent droppings
20Fetorsaurus222222/5+/9. weapon,set,melee,shield,metal. Block 2. Add 2 to all hit locations (as shown). While you carry this, reduce star damage from monster level by 1.
Blacksmith1x beacon shield, 1x underplate fungus, 1x sleeping virus flower, 1x elixir of life
21Flower Knight Helm3armor,heavy. +1 Accuracy. 3x 1-aff-green = While you are being attacked, the monster has -1 speed.
Sense Memory event(2x bone OR 1x skull), 1x lantern bloom
22Forsaker Mask2Unique, irreplaceable, accessory (not armor). At the start of your act, if insane gain +1 action. During settlement phase, you may archive this item to build the mask maker location.
Defeat ButcherEither defeat lvl 3 Butcher and roll 10 or combo of lvl 1-2 and also crit wound his head
23God Mask2Unique, irreplaceable, accessory (not armor). 2-aff-red/2-aff-green/2-aff-blue = at start of action, if insane then gain +1 survival.
Mask Makerendeavor, 1x founding stone, 6x bone, 4x organ
24Gorment Boots2armor, set, gormskin, heavy. Other survivors may move through but not end movement in a space you occupy.
Gormery1x stout hide, 1x bone
25Gorment Mask2armor, set, gormskin, heavy. 1x 0.5-aff-blue / 1x 0.5-aff-green = If your courage is higher than the monster level, ignore Intimidate actions.
Gormery1x stout hide, 1x handed skull
26Gorment Sleeves2armor, set, gormskin, heavy. 2x 1-aff-green = You may Guard without spending survival (see Gorment Suit for Guard).
Gormery1x stout hide, 1x bone
27Gorment Suit22armor, set, gormskin, heavy. 1x 1-aff-blue / 1x 0.5-aff-green / 1x 1-aff-green = Guard: at the end of your attack, if you are standing and have a shield, spend 1 survival to move 3 spaces directly away from monster and Block 1 for free.
Gormery3x stout hide, 1x stout kidney
28Green Boots5armor,set,bone,heavy,metal. You may use the Tumble fighting art (even if you don't know it). You successfully tumble on 2+ instead of 6+.
Forbidden Dance1x iron, 1x Flower Knight Badge, 1x calcified greaves, 3x bone
29Green Faulds5armor,set,metal,other. +1 evasion. After drawing hit locations from an attack, you may discard First Strike hit location card.
Choreia1x elytra, 1x gormite, 1x scell, 1x lantern bloom
30Green Gloves5armor,set,metal. +2 strength. +6 luck when attempting to wound Parry locations.
Scrap Smelting, Albedo1x hunter's heart, 1x iron, 1x jiggling lard
31Green Helm5armor,set,bone,metal. +1 luck. When a monster attacks you, you may elect to take a hit on the head and roll 1d10. On 6+, ignore the hit. If adjacent, monster suffers 1 wound.
Old Master on quarry list1x scell, 1x beetle horn, 1x DBK Errant Badge
32Green Plate5armor,set,metal,gormskin. At the start of the showdown, draw 3 tactics cards. When you attack, the extra weight grants leverage. Your weapon gains the club keyword.
Citrinitas1x Lion Knights left claw, 2x iron, 3x leather, 1x scarab shell
33Grinning Visage2/7/4. Shield. Block 1. When you wound with this shield, you may spend 1 survival to add 1 armor to all hit locations. Limit 1x/attack.
Legless Ball innovationSpidicules, destroy Legless Ball, get shield.
34Hazmat Shield222222/4+/7 weapon,melee,shield,metal,heavy. Block 2. When the monster performs Unseen Agony or Meltdown, roll 1d10. On 2+ you suffer no damage. Shield adds +2 armor to all locations.
The Tomb story eventDragon King, non-craftable
35Hideous Disguise2Mask. Accessory. Gain +1 strength. At the start of the showdown, if you are fighting the Lion Knight, choose your Role card.
Defeat Lion Knightnon-craftable.
36Knuckle Shield000003/7+/1 Block 1. Once per round, if you wound with this weapon, Block 1 for free. Shield adds +0 armor to all locations.
Gormery1x mammoth hand, 2x bone
37Lantern Cuirass5-2 movement. 2x 0.5-aff-blue/2x 0.5-aff-green = when you depart, add 3 armor to all hit locations with metal armor.
Blacksmith2x iron, 5x leather
38Lantern Gauntlets50.5-aff-green = +2 accuracy with club weapons.
Blacksmith2x iron, 6x leather
39Lantern Greaves52x 0.5-aff-red/0.5-aff-blue = +2 movement
Blacksmith1x iron, 5x leather
40Lantern Helm50.5-aff-blue = ear plugs, you are deaf and have -1 accuracy.
Blacksmith1x iron, 7x bone
41Lantern Mail5
Blacksmith1x iron, 5x organ
42Leather Boots32x 0.5-aff-green = at end of your act, you may move 1 space.
Leather Worker1x leather, 1x hide
43Leather Bracers3When you depart, gain +2 survival.
Leather Worker1x leather, 1x hide
44Leather Cuirass3
Leather Worker1x leather, 1x bone
45Leather Mask3When you depart, gain +2 insanity.
Leather Worker1x leather, 1x scrap
46Leather Skirt3
Leather Worker1x leather
47Lion Headdress1Accessory (not armor)
Catarium1x shimmering mane
48Lion Skin CloakReduce damage from every hit suffered by 1, to min of 1.
Catarium2x white fur
49Man Mask2Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory. 1-aff-red/1-aff-green = if insane, you may spend negative attribute tokens in place of survival.
Mask Makerendeavor, 1x skull, 6x bone, 4x organ
50Phoenix Faulds4When you depart, gain +1 insanity.
Plumery1x iron, 1x leather, 1x tail feather, 1x organ
51Phoenix Gauntlets4When you depart, gain +1 insanity.
Plumery1x iron, 1x leather, 1x small feather, 1x bone
52Phoenix Greaves4If insane, gain +2 movement
Plumery1x iron, 1x leather, 1x small feather, 1x organ
53Phoenix Helm40.5-aff-blue/1-aff-green/1-aff-red = if insane at start of showdown, gain +1 evasion token.
Plumery1x hollow wing bone, 1x small feather, 1x bone
54Phoenix Mask2Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory. 4x 1-aff-red = if insane, you may dodge 1 additional time per round.
Mask Makerendeavor, 1x small feather, 6x bone, 4x organ
55Phoenix Plackart40.5-aff-green/0.5-aff-blue/0.5-aff-red = if insane, ignore the first hit each round and suffer 1 brain damage instead.
Plumery1x iron, 1x leather, 1x tail feather, 1x hide
56Pirahna Helm2Armor - can replace Rawhide set helm. You may spend survival while Frenzied.
Skyreef Sanctuary1x monster tooth necklace, 1x skull, 1x prismatic gills. Also found in Paul the Savior scenario.
57Rawhide Boots1When you depart, gain +1 survival.
Skinnery1x hide
58Rawhide Gloves1When you depart, gain +1 survival.
Skinnery1x hide
59Rawhide Headband10.5-aff-blue = spend action to reveal the top 2 AI cards. Place them back on top in any order.
Skinnery1x hide
60Rawhide Pants1
Skinnery1x hide
61Rawhide Vest10.5-aff-blue/0.5-aff-red = +1 evasion
Skinnery1x hide
62Regal Faulds4Cursed. At the Aftermath perform King's Curse story event.
Defeat Kings Mannon-craftable
63Regal Gauntlet4Cursed. At the Aftermath perform King's Curse story event.
Defeat Kings Mannon-craftable
64Regal Greaves4Cursed. At the Aftermath perform King's Curse story event.
Defeat Kings Mannon-craftable
65Regal Helm4Cursed. At the Aftermath perform King's Curse story event.
Defeat Kings Mannon-craftable
66Regal Plackart4Cursed. At the Aftermath perform King's Curse story event.
Defeat Kings Mannon-craftable
67Regeneration Suit2item, gorm. Accessory. 2x 1-aff-green / 1x 0.5-aff-green = At the end of the showdown, remove any permanent injuries you suffered this showdown.
Gormery1x stomach lining, 1x jiggling lard
68Round Leather Shield111111/8/1 weapon. Block 1: spend action to ignore 1 hit location next time you are attacked. Lasts until your next act. Max 1 block/attack. Shield adds +1 armor to all locations.
Leather Worker1x leather, 1x bone, 1x hide
69Scout's Tunic22armor,set,leather. Takes the place of the leather mask and cuirass in the leather set. No special properties.
Leather Worker3x hide, 1x scrap
70Scrap Shield111112/7/3 weapon. Block 1: spend action to ignore 1 hit location next time you are attacked. Lasts until your next act. Max 1 block/attack. Shield adds +1 armor to all locations.
Blacksmith3x bone, 2x scrap, 3x leather
71Screaming Bracers2When you Slam, you may pass through other survivors without causing collision.
Stone Circle1x pelt, 1x hide
72Screaming Coat2Slam: Spend move to move forward in a straight line. If you move 4+ and stop adjacent to monster, then move it back 1 space. It gains -1 toughness until end of round.
Stone Circle1x pelt, 1x bone
73Screaming Horns3Spend action to Scream: non-deaf insane survivors gain +1 movement until end of round. All other survivors gain +1 insanity.
Stone Circle1x spiral horn, 1x scrap
74Screaming Leg Warmers2When you depart, gain +1 insanity.
Stone Circle1x pelt, 1x hide
75Screaming Skirt2
Stone Circle1x pelt
76Silk Body SuitReduce damage from every hit location by 2, to a minimum of 1. You may not have any heavy or metal gear in your gear grid.
Silk Mill5x silk, 2x hide, 1x spinnerets
77Silk Boots32x 0.5-aff-green = +1 movement. Once per round, you may spend 1 survival to gain 2 insanity.
Silk Mill1x large appendage, 1x silk
78Silk Robes3When you depart, gain 1 survival. 2x 0.5-aff-red / 1x 0.5-aff-blue = Spend action to add 1 to all hit locations. Use 1x/showdown.
Silk Mill2x silk, 1x hide, 1x exoskeleton
79Silk Sash3When you depart, gain 1 survival. 2x 0.5-aff-green = Spend action to add 1 to all hit locations. Use once per showdown.
Silk Mill2x silk, 1x bone, 1x hide
80Silk Turban31x 0.5-aff-green / 1x 0.5-aff-blue = Spend action to turn the monster to face away from you. Use only during the survivor's turn.
Silk Mill1x silken nervous system, 3x silk, 1x hide
81Silk Wraps3
Silk Mill1x thick web silk, 1x silk
82Skull Helm3When you suffer a severe head injury, the skull helm is destroyed.
Bone Smith2x bone -or- 1x skull
83Steel Shield000001/6/6 weapon. Irreplaceable. -3 movement. Spend action or 1 survival to ignore a hit. Shield adds +0 armor to all locations.
Hunt Event 100non-craftable
84White Lion Boots22x 0.5-aff-red = +1 movement
Catarium1x white fur, 1x hide
85White Lion Coat2Pounce: spend move+action to move 3 spaces in straight line. If you moved 3 spaces, activate a melee weapon with +1 strength.
Catarium1x white fur, 1x hide
86White Lion Gauntlets2When you Pounce, gain +1 accuracy for your next attack (all rolls).
Catarium1x white fur, 1x bone
87White Lion Helm2Spend action and 1 survival to Roar: Non-deaf insane survivors gain +2 strength until end of round. All other survivors gain +1 insanity.
Catarium1x white fur, 1x great cat bone
88White Lion Mask2Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory (not armor). 2x 1-aff-green = spend action to lose all your survival and gain that many +1 strength tokens.
Mask Makerendeavor, 1x shimmering mane, 6x bone, 4x organ
89White Lion Skirt2
Catarium1x white fur, 1x hide
Note: Armor are randomized using a formula based on their top armor value, with low armor values being more common (easier to make). In a nutshell, crappy armor generally ought to be more common.

Campaign Name: (Make it unique!!!!!)
Innovations: The innovation list is saved with the Campaign name. Make sure the Campaign name is unique or someone else may wipe it out on you.
The innovations must be named EXACTLY the same as they appear on the full list of innovations, and must be comma-delimited.
If you save a list of innovations, then when you roll random innovations, it will generate a list based on those you've saved.